Natural mineral water nurtured
by the great World Heritage of nature, Mount Fuji.
Using the water filtrated through the basalt layer of the beautiful mountain of Mt. Fuji as the source water, ICHIFUJI is a soft water with mild texture and gentle sweetness. This natural mineral water contains a good balance of natural minerals including vanadium, and is mild and drinkable.
More than 2 billion tons of rain and snow have fallen over Mt. Fuji, having gone through layers and layers of stratum over an immense period, and are filtered to contain minerals such as Vanadium.
VANADIUM is a natural mineral, such as Calcium and Magnesium, found in certain foods like seaweeds, shellfishes, crabs and prawns. Vanadium contains “insulin-similar” natural ingredients that reduce blood sugar and discourage diabetes. It is effective for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also includes ingredients essential for good health and it has detoxification effects, which helps the body to burn fat while beautifying the skin. It is used as a natural remedy for treating diabetes, high blood pressure, and more.
ICHIFUJI is a soft water of 47 hardness. The mild texture and the gentle sweetness are its signature. That is why we recommend this water not only for adults but for baby formula as well.
It is simply perfect, and safe.
3-Star Superior Taste Award by iTQi
ICHIFUJI is soft water with a mild texture and gentle sweetness. Its source is the water of beautiful Mt. Fuji, filtered through its basalt layer. This natural mineral water contains a good balance of natural minerals such as vanadium, and it is mild and drinkable. Your entire family, young and old, will love its taste.
ICHIFUJI has been awarded the 3-Star rating for 4 consecutive years (2015-2018) to date.
: Exceptional products with 90% or more total marks
: Remarkable products with marks between 80% and 90%
: Notable tasting products with marks between 70% and 80%

Visit the website for more:
World's first 100% chemical-free solution
- Only natural ingredients from palm trees and herbs
- No chemical material used, such as Chlorine Dioxide or Ozone
- US FDA and Malaysian Ministry of Health approved
- Tested and approved by SGS (Switzerland), TUV (Germany), etc.
- Safe and easy treatment within 15 minutes per car
- Sold in over 15 countries.
Visit the website for more:
Over 60% of the human body consists of water. The average 60 kg male discharges about 2.5 litres of water per day, so it's necessary to replenish with the same volume of clean water every day. It is important to keep drinking water and be hydrated.
A certain volume of water is ingested within solid food, so the recommended minimum volume of water to drink is 1.5 litres per day to maintain one's body healthy.

Safety even for babies
Most parents are concerned about the safety and quality of the water they feed their babies. Babies below 6 months old get all the fluids they need from breast milk or formula to remain healthy, so they don't need to take in more water. However, you may want to supplement your baby with some water if the weather is very hot, they seem thirsty or they have a fever. When you make formula, you need to boil your tap water or bottled water. Furthermore, artificially softened water is not advisable for babies, even in formula. ICHIFUJI water, however, is well-purified and naturally softened, so it has none of the harmful ingredients of artificially treated water, and is fine to use even for the very young.

Types of bottled water
There are 3 types of bottled water sold in Malaysia:- Drinking Water
- Natural Water
- Natural Mineral Water ("Air Mineral Semula Jadi")
KenkoMax Sdn. Bhd. (1282084-M)
No. 10-3, Jalan USJ 9/5R, Subang Business Centre, 47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel: +603-8025-1612
Fax: +603-8023-1648
Email: kenkomax.my@gmail.com